You can add an order from a vendor in Ordo and it will apply to the proper budget so long as you assign the items to the appropriate budget category. Here's how:
From the left-hand menu, select Orders.
From the orders pane, select "Add order manually". Then add:
vendor name
order id
status (most often closed)
Select "Save"
When done, you will see the order but there are no items in that order yet.
3. Select "Add Item". Then add:
Product Name
unit price (notice it's not the total but the unit price)
status (most often received)
assign a budget category
Select "Save"
Continue adding items until all your items you want are in.
NOTE: If you have on order with several things and they are all associated with the same budget category, you can create just one line item, give it a descent description in the name and make the quantity 1 and the price equal to the order. This will add this order against your budget fully. The point is you have options depending on the level of detail you want to track.
4. When you are done, it will look as follows. You'll have an order with the proper quantity, and proper total (notice that the unit price was entered but for the line item product it has the total for the line.