December 6, 2023 Release 0.904
Feature Enhancements:
Users will now be taken to the last screen they were on when logging back in
We updated roles to reflect users, managers and admin where users are the same as in the past, managers have full access to all features at the locations assigned and admins have full company access and rollup views for multi-location operations.
A role can belong to multiple companies with the same login
Account settings have all been moved under the profile icon in the upper right for ease of use and single location for access to desired features
Bug Fixes:
Fixed pricing and shipping costs to reflect real time accuracy
Shipping address for shipments now can only point to the office location the cart was generated
November 21, 2023 Release 0.903
Feature Enhancements:
A banner at the top of the page has been added where information can be shared regarding functioning, outages and more will be directly communicated
Search now returns products in under 4 seconds (searching millions of records)
Bug Fixes:
Patterson connected
Security enhancements in the wake of Henry Shein cyber attack
Budgets now display correctly
October 31, 2023 Release 0.902
Feature Enhancements:
Users will receive an email notification if linking vendors is delayed three times and results in an error
A message will now be displayed indicating "Vendor is linking, please wait" when linking a vendor takes time
Messages added to various features to enhance user experience
User name and user email can now be edited
Users can update their payment information within the settings
Bug Fixes:
Vendor linking with invalid credentials
Futurecast now displays in descending order of average
Futurecast search results now accurate
Adding manual orders to Ordo works properly
Password reset fixed
Onboarding errors fixed
Adding office budget will no longer add a value in minus
Inviting a team member via email will now provide a correct link
October 17, 2023 Release 0.901
Feature Enhancements:
Settings - you can now reinvite an invited user that has not accepted your invitation
Bug Fixes:
Vendors - fixed linking and relinking issues
Order approvals - approvals now function as expected
Futurecast - all functionality now performs as expected
Orders - fixed displaying, status accuracy, manual order entry and approval delays
Finances - fixed display accuracy, downloading invoices, format is not pdf, and filters function properly
My Inventory - unrelated and unlinked vendors no longer showing up in sidebar and searches errantly, order display info is now accurate, filtering is now improved, correct items showing in searches, unhiding an item restores it to it's previous location
Cart - all subtotals and totals are accurate
Checkout - shipping options displaying properly, pricing is real-time accurate
Onboarding process - now operates fully as expected
Settings - custom budgets appear properly now